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wpeC6.jpg (2203 bytes)On February 19, 1812, Adoniram and Ann Judson, America's first foreign missionaries, sailed for Calcutta, India. William Carey, an English Baptist missionary, was already in India. During the long voyage, the Judsons spent much time studying the Greek New Testament concerning baptism, and came to the conclusion that they had not been scripturaly baptized. When they arrived, both were baptized and changed their affiliation from Congregational to Baptist. The same thing happened to Luther Rice, who was following them on another ship. The Judsons and Rice became the Baptists' first foreign missionaries.

He led the movement out of which grew the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.  Judson compiled an English-Burmese dictionary and translated the Bible into Burmese. The Judson Memorial Church in New York City is named for him.

Adoniram Judson?s Rules of Life
Adopted in 1842

1. Be diligent in prayer, every morning and evening.
2. Never spend a moment in mere idleness.
3. Restrain natural appetites within the bounds of temperance and purity.
4. Suppress every emotion of anger or ill will.
5. Undertake nothing from motives of ambition or love of fame (selfishness).
6. Never do that which at the moment appears to be displeasing to God.
7. Seek opportunities of making some sacrifice for the good of others.
8. Endeavor to rejoice in every loss and suffering for Christ?s sake, remembering that though, like death, they are not to be willfully incurred yet, like death, they are of great gain.

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The Cost of Bringing Christ to Burma, John Piper

Judson was a Baptist when he entered Burma in 1813, even though he left New England as a Congregationalist. His mind had changed during the 114-day voyage to India and Carey's colleague, William Ward, baptized Adoniram and Ann Judson in India on September 6, 1812.

A Brief Biography

Unlike many other missionaries, Adnorium did not have an early call from God or love for Him. In fact, Judson fell in with a number of atheists, chief of which was James Eames who became his dear friend.

Apostle of the Love of Christ in Burma

As a student at Andover Seminary, Judson heard and read of the work that William Carey and his associates were opening up in India. This influenced him to give serious consideration to the question of foreign missions. His first conclusion was that surely the love of Christ, which had so marvelously banished the darkness from his own soul, was meant for all mankind.

A Hymn written by Adoniram Judson
A Biography by his son, Edward Judson

IT is my purpose in the following pages to present a clear and consecutive story of my father's life, which may be justly said to form the main artery of the American Foreign Missionary Enterprise. In order to do this I have essentially re-written the Memoir which I prepared ten years ago for Anson D. F. Randolph & Co., and have endeavored to meet the requirements of the younger generation of Christendom.

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